the path to homeownership....

DAY 15 of 30

OMG. what a pain in my butt. although i will say we have an amazing lendor and even our loan processor is really great. its still a pain. the waiting process is killing me. driving by our potentially new home and wanting to be in there so bad! if you've ever bought a know what i mean. and i'm even really spoiled in my case. our offer was countered in 3 hours and then accepted within 24 hours. amazing!
but whenever i get a call needing more info...i stress immediately. i start thinking all the worst things possible. like "i knew this was too good to be true!". so today is day 15 and i've sent over even more my recent check stubs, bank info, favorite color, shoe size and how often i drink and how many cups. ;)
i'm sure they'll need more tomorrow. i swear this is why i have an iphone! doesn't it already track and report all this info for me and then evenly disperse it to everyone and anyone that does or doesn't need it!? geez.
in the mean time i am etsy shopping like crazy, getting new/used furniture from consignment stores, dragging my poor kids all over town looking for cool things to buy, ALL in the name of homeownership. so seriously...this better work out or someone is getting kicked right in the shin.

DAY 16 of 30

ok this is gonna be a quick one.
what is wrong with kids sometimes. lol. look at this.

i decided to pack up the kids room today...all the wall hangings, extra toys etc. not only did i throw out 8 small bags of garbage (!!!!) but i cleaned under their beds and then...under the dresser. that is what i found under the dresser. ok. there is only about an inch of space for them to have crammed all this stuff under. AND they are so smart they pushed it all the way to the back, so whenever i'd take a half-assed glance i would think it was clean.
lets just say, they had some toys thrown away that they aren't gonna be too thrilled about. i'm definately the type of mommy you don't wanna mess with...i always follow thru. 

DAY 17 of 30

approval! YAY we got approval from our underwriter today. i am SO happy! now the real packing begins...along with a ton of more paperwork to sign. can't wait for this new journey :)

DAY 22 OF 30

tomorrow we are going to sign! can't believe it. we could have the keys in the next 2 days! this is amazing. our close friends know what a up and down rollercoaster ride we've been on this past year. but also when we lost our first house...we were really devestated. its happening though...things do get better afterall!! lol


  1. i also heard that of a guy that was gonna help turn the garage of this potential new home into a tattoo studio... :) i said great- everytime you go to the saldivars to "work" pablo will also "work" on you! LOL!!! i am so happy for you guys, we need to get back to the dinners & bbq's we used to have! (school is ALMOST done for me... then im FREE! love you! xoxox

    1. haha...oh ya i'm sure there will be people at our house ALL the time in the studio :) thats fine though...i miss it! can't wait til we're settled and YES we will be having a housewarming bbq for sure!! XOXO love you too


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