my new craZy life begins...

so we're in!! we moved in about 8 days ago.
its been a crazy ride to say the least ;)
owning a home feels great. i got to buy curtains
for all my windows and that was really exciting LOL

and now for NEW BEGINNINGS....

10 days ago
we were going about our business,
planning our move without a ton of thought.
there was literally junk all over our rental.
i was working 6 nights a week so the thought of packing
was really overwhelming me! i figured i'd wait til the
last minute and it would all somehow get moved.
and pretty much it all did. theres still a few stragglers.

8 days ago
we got the keys to our house!
so we've been moving...i've been working 5 nights a week.
my hubby works 5 days a week. 2 kids are in school full day.
1 is in speech 2x a week. 1 is in preschool. and the other
is just a cute fat little baby who fights to go to bed.
that makes 5 kids. ages 8, 6, 4, 3 and 10 mos.
(yes thats 2 extra kids lol. we're taking care of my nephews
for a little while too ;)

skip forward to today
OMG what a craZy day. seriously.
as if yesterday wasn't hard enough driving 5 kids back and
forth 3 different trips to another town,
signing 2 up at a new school, 1 up at a new preschool, 1
having speech therapy and dragging the baby through it all.
i almost didn't survive. anyways back to today.
my nephew had his first day at his new preschool.
he was nervous, i could tell. but i didn't know how
nervous until he puked all over my truck.
it was horrible. horrible.
i immediately started gagging. turned the truck around
to go home. it took me almost 10 minutes just
to get him out of the truck.
puke was everywhere. his sweater, pants, hands,
face, (new) shoes, seat, floor, carseat and seatbelt.
then on the way out it got rubbed all the way
across my door. i was gagging and crying the
entire time. i can LOL now. but, then? no. not so much.
i took him in and we talked it out. cleaned him up.
sprayed uncle's cologne on him and off to school we went.
he cried the first 5 minutes but the secretary called
me to say he was doing great :)
big relief. so i left town, drove 15 minutes to target
to get my thyroid meds which i've been out of
for 3 days now. they reshelved them, of course right?! 
just great.
then the lady said "you can wait on our bench over there
for 30 minutes and we'll come get you when they are ready".
HA. so i said
"ya lady, i'll just wait with 4 kids on your little bench
over there until their all screaming and crying and then
i'll be late to get my nephew from his first day of preschool
and i won't have time to vaccuum barf chunks and
smell out of my SUV" my head.
i should have said it outloud but instead i said
"just cancel it i'm transferring my prescription"
and walked away with just a tad bit of grace
until i crashed my jumbo 3 seater cart into
the aisle cause my 6 yr old had to help push it too.

things are finally coming full circle for me too.
a year ago i had a series of unbelievable things happen
to me and my family. i was lost by all means.
now i can look back and see that God had a plan.
i was completely broke and yet somehow i managed
to rebuild myself, with a much stronger foundation,
a better relationship with my husband,
and an overall wider sense of what matters and
what doesn't. this was in His plan.
i wouldn't have been strong enough for this,
had i not gone through that. craZy.

NOW if you've read all that...
please pray for me and my family :)
i'm praying for patience about 30 billion times a day.
and if you really want to help,
we would love it. just be prepared to only
offer what you are actually willing to do...
cause i will take you up on it!

.god didn't promise days without pain.
.laughter without sorrow.sun without rain.
.but he did promise strenth for the day.
.comfort for the tears. and light for the way.



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