what we do...
we homeschool.
we unschool.
we are eclectic learners.
we have good days.
we have crazy days.
we kinda do it all...
it's more like "life school"
we are observing a squished, but still alive, worm.
i recently had the opportunity to have a great friend
(and photographer) Stephanie Moe Photography
come hang with us for a few hours to capture
all our homeschool moments.
Check out her blog on A day in the life of "Erin THE MOM"
so here is my play by play of the day,
in pictures :)
so here is my play by play of the day,
in pictures :)
first i'll start by saying one thing.
i did straighten my hair & do my make up though ;)
but other than that, this was just us, being us.
unmatched. pouting. laughing. eating. playing. learning.
in our homeschool we do about 80% bookwork.
it's not always fun, but it prepares the kids for college!
and here is our current school room/kitchen ;)
this summer we are putting in a school room behind the house, i can't wait!
our favorite subject in school is history!
we use Story Of The World, and supplement with
many unit studies (presidents, US history etc)
after each chapter, there is a project to choose from.
here we are making a Roman Colosseum out of cookie dough.
oh ya, that project was a total fail.
just wanted to throw that out there,
in my excitement to make it, my brained
malfunctioned and my common sense never
kicked in to tell me the cookie dough would flatten...
see. not staged. and they tasted great still!
after school, the kids do their chores.
they have a list of daily chores they need to do, and
then they have "mom's extra chores" to do.
after chores, we go pick up little brother from kinder.
(he attends for regular speech therapy but will join us in our homeschool this coming year!)
and yes, i carry him home. leave me alone!!
now, since the kids are hungry 24/7, lunch is very important!
they are always eager to help make food,
so we let our oldest take over on lunches.
she makes an awesome sandwich!!
i'm slightly addicted to honey.

and then comes free time!!
we go to the park, meet with friends, go shopping, watch movies, sleep, play video games, etc stuff!
on this day we went to the park.
one of our favorite things to do is play
basketball against each other.
it's hilarious, always!!
little brother doesn't get the concept,
so for him, it's "legal" to hold the ball and run with it.
or completely cover it...
and a little bike riding & swinging...
this was, by far, one of the best things i've ever done for myself!
i get so caught up just "being mom" that i never
think about what the kids see.
after i got all the pictures back, i thought, wow.
they look at me, the way i look at them!
it's crazy, crazy, crazy, what i have learned about myself!
i can't think of a better word.
every day...
they learn something new, and by learn i mean really learn.
they asks 80 trillion questions, and get answers.
they fight or argue and learn consequences.
they have fun, enjoy life, and create a relationship with
the most important people...
not their friends, but their family.
it is the best life for us.
i get so caught up just "being mom" that i never
think about what the kids see.
after i got all the pictures back, i thought, wow.
they look at me, the way i look at them!
it's crazy, crazy, crazy, what i have learned about myself!
i can't think of a better word.
every day...
they learn something new, and by learn i mean really learn.
they asks 80 trillion questions, and get answers.
they fight or argue and learn consequences.
they have fun, enjoy life, and create a relationship with
the most important people...
not their friends, but their family.
it is the best life for us.
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