how long has it been since you had a
 good ol' thumb war?
well, i did this evening.
and it was awesome.
it was hilarious.
it was embarrassing.
and it was weird.
cause it's like your thumbs are just, there.
it's weird, i'm serious!
we were eating ice cream watching the kids
get down in some deadly thumb wars.
i call them deadly because i could tell what
would ensue shortly after...
big brother "accidentally" hit little brother.
little brother "fake" pouted.
big brother walked away.
little brother chased behind him,
and attacked big brother with a...corn dog.
"what's a corn dog?" you might be asking...
well it's not the type you eat.
it's where one person knees the other person
really hard in the butt and yells "corn dog!"
so here i am, the only witness to the crime.
and being that i am not mature enough to be a mom sometimes,
what do i do?
i bury my head in my lap and laugh hysterically,
hoping the boys don't see me.
mom fail.
they saw me.
now let's get back to the thumb war...
my husband was winning against the kids!
so i had to step up and show them how it's done.
one two three four i declare a thumb war...
and it was on.
2 thumbs, staring at each other.
who will flinch first?
not me. oh wait, ya it was me.
he thought he had me down, nope.
i was back in the game.

i'll skip past all the really awesome stuff and
just show you this picture, of the winner.
boom shaka laka.
the thumb war.
the corn dog.
looking back i see them both as a stand off.
who will flinch first?
who will fall down and get back up?
who will ultimately win?
(me by the way, incase you forgot)
it's so hard to relate to our kids sometimes,
but tonight we did.
it went on for about 10 minutes.
i'm sure the people at cold-stone thought we
had some serious issues.
but whatev.
we had fun, so did our babies!
we then headed home,
the kids had a
"who-can-stay-quiet-the-longest" contest.
(the baby lost, repeatedly, like every 30 seconds)
that was then followed by a lot of farting from the lil' boys.
and we polished it off with some christmas music,
cause that's how we roll in november...
ice cream and christmas tunes.
what was this blog about?
i'm not really sure.
but my point is this, have fun!
now, go challenge someone to
a random thumb war,
or a staring contest,
or rock paper scissors!
better yet, corn dog someone.
that'd be awesome.
*side bar*
i really love my peeps.
they make the world such a better place :)
.erin the mom.


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