
happy easter!

this will be my 2nd annual blog on our celebration,
last year was fun, but this year tops it!

last years can be found her at easter 2012
i'll start with our morning...
after being woken up about 30 times,
i could have sworn it was like 9 or 10 am.
it was barely 7:30!
not that i was surprised,
of course the kids would be excited for
what the easter bunny brought.
i used to roll out of bed to get pictures
of them opening up all their goodies,
this year though, i just let them come to us!
my 4 year old was the most excited...
not only cause he wanted to eat his peeps
(which i said yes to...it's only one day ;)
but he got new plants vs zombies characters
and he wanted to play with me...

(he lined them all up on my bed :)
thanks to the easter bunny,
we had a fun battle in the front yard...


when it was time to get ready to go to uncle peters,
this guy had a meltdown cause:
#1. he pee'd the bed last night & he had to fess up to it
(that always happens when he falls asleep on the couch.
i carry him to bed without a potty stop)
#2. he wanted more peeps.
#3. he had his chonies on inside out and backwards.
...it was so cute! but he didn't like me telling him
how cute it was. i guess he's growing up. boo :(
that's the meltdown. even cuter that he's in his robe :)

we brought the party!
just kidding ;)

we seriously had the best time!

to start this shin dig off,
we had to have the food first,
cause that's how mexicans roll!
growing up with my grandma who is
full blooded italian,
i totally understand the importance of a
good homecooked meal.
and you better eat a lot or someone will be
shoving it in your face against your will!
and omg, the salad and walnut pie was amazing!
oh wait...that's what i brought.
ok ok, the ribs, marinated chicken, hot dogs,
potato salad, beans, rice...
it was allllllll soooooo tasty :)

and here's to our cook:

nice bunny ears!

once we stuffed our faces,
we moved on to the egg hunt.


(the yard was small but that didn't stop us!)


(and out came the little ones)

 (my niece with her baby.)
(whoaaaa hold up. i just realized i'm a great aunt. i need a moment)
ok moving on.
after the egg hunt everyone gathered to
count their eggs,
but the best part was the candy and the...

(my daughter is a hard boiled egg addict)

(my 3 had a sibling meet up to discuss distribution)
the day went on great.
except for a little crash and burn...

 (poor baby went head first onto the concrete.
grandma, mommy & daddy fixed him up though)
oh and can't forget the thug life...
and now onto the infamous
photo sesh...
(my mom.n.law surrounded by 6 of her 9 kids)
(my bro.n.law testing out the self timer ;)
(the whole gang!)
(my family with my mom.n.law...i love that little lady!)
my bro.n.law peter thought it was hilarious
to run around smashing people on the head
with those confetti eggs.
he got me good...and then he got my daughter.
but paybacks a...you know.

good job jon.
next year, you're all going down...
grandma said so!
she said your eggs were weak!
all in all, great easter!
i hope you all had a good day too.
thankfully the creepy clouds and
lightening stayed away for the day!
thank you peter for hosting this once again.
ps. if anyone wants one of my delish walnut pies,
let me know a week in advance!
you provide the dish and the walnuts...
and a cheerleading donation is graciously accepted :)
love you all,


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