...to be 3 or 4 again...

if i only knew at 4 years old,
what i know now.
but i guess theres no way!
the carefree thoughts,
the unexplained cries,
the unknown world,
the craZy beliefs,
the ridiculously cute giggles!!
i could go on and on.
kids are soooo cute.
and rotten. ya they are and we all know it!
but when they are cute,
its easy to forget for that moment just
how rotten they can be! lol.
today i was inside the house...
getting tons of imaginary
work done on pinterest...
i could hear the boys outside.
i figured they were just playing in
a little puddle with their cars.
i obviously hadnt seen the mini lake...

and i just watched them play.

how could i get mad...
how do people get mad?!
they are boys! they get dirty!
i would much rather them be outside
using their imaginations to clean
their trucks, fight with each other,
work out their disagreements,
and move on with life...
then just sitting inside watching TV.
or playing video games.
sorry to say but video games won't
teach a kid how to work out a real life
conflict. only real life can do that.
they were arguing about getting each other wet
ya, right. lol. and then they threatened
to get each others cars wet.

i remember doing ridiculous things with
my brother, sister and cousins.
one of my fave memories was bouncing
on this huge innertube to see who
would get bounced off first.
and when you hit the ground...
it hurt.
but we dealt with it and survived!

so then the boys were done..and soaked.

and bathed...
as i'm blogging right now
i can hear them 5 feet away from me..
arguing, still.
and now they are acting like airplanes..
and now machine guns.
but whatever. they're having fun.
it would be so great to go back
to being 3/4 years old.
i guess thats why they say parents
"live vicariously through their children"
i think i'm gonna argue with everyone
tonight, act like a machine gun,
jump in puddles, cry, laugh,
whine, pee my pants and
act like my life is the worst one
second but the best the next.
yep, i'm gonna be 4 tonight.
hahahaha. i wish!



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