Home Educating Magazine

a few months back i sent in an article to the
Home Educating Magazine (www.hedua.com) about
being a mom, with tattoos, that also homeschools.
my goal was just to share my thoughts and experiences,
and to remind people that we are all different!
(which still surprises me as an adult, that people
must be reminded of the differences in others...)
i thought i'd heard most of the stereotypes about
homeschoolers and women with tattoos.
THEN i became both and boy was i proven wrong.
*sidebar: i totally judged homeschool families back
before i understood them too. bad erin. bad.
my defense: lack of life experience, age and
misunderstanding of others beliefs & reasons.
ok back to the article...
i really thought my idea would be dismissed.
but, it turns out, they loved it!!
i ended up working with the director of print publishing,
jenn mcdonald, and she was nothing short of great!!
i asked her many, many questions and not even once
did she make me feel unimportant!!
and here it is folks...
please share on FB or IG or any other letters in the alphabet ;)
also i'd LOVE to hear feedback on their website!!
thanks to everyone who supported me with your kind words and encouragment over the years. i've heard from many of you
that have said "you should blog, you should write a book"
and have seriously taken it into consideration,
and this is just the start. i have big plans for my future ;)
but for now, i'm taking the day off & heading out to the lake with my babies on this beautiful MLK JR holiday.
we spent all of last friday studying his great accomplishments,
his marches, speeches...and that even lead us in many
other directions. long story short: i am satisfied with
our studies so we will be enjoying this day with
many friends by the water :)


  1. I love it, Erin! Gwen Stevenson pointed me in your direction today and I'm super glad. I'm a tattooed homeschooling mom with a lot of kids and sometimes pink in my hair. I had a nose ring and was once told at a homeschool convention where I spoke that a mom's daughters thought it was terrible. She said it ended up being a fabulous avenue for a conversation on grace and freedom with her girls. Oh, and I love the HEDUA gals, too!

    Find me here, where we talk about real life homeschooling (and both the podcast hosts are tattooed):


  2. Kendra, THANK YOU!!! I'd love to meet up with you sometime!! I'll check out your website too!!

  3. Let's do it! I'm right down 99 :) Did Gwen tell you that Tim married us 23 years ago? Love those two.

  4. I came here via your article in the magazine. LOVED it! While I don't have tats myself, what a great reminder to not judge people on outward appearances and things that don't matter.

    1. Thank you Danielle!! I love hearing feedback :)))

  5. So, I've always tried to raise my kids to not judge others. My son insists on long hair. While debating yet again he said "You always say not to judge others by the way they look & to love everyone, yet your worried about what people think of my hair?" Check and mate. Ugh. Yes, I don't want you to judge others, but that doesn't mean their not judging you. Its true, I don't want others to judge a sweet boy on outward apperance & I know they will and that hurts. Now, don't get me wrong, I encourage individuality...to a point. LOL. He's 16 and has hair past the middle of his back. Beautiful thick wavy blonde hair. And wears a retro 80s biker leather jacket with a chain hanging off it. He's handsome too. I admit, he looks good and keeps himself tidy. So...why can't I get over the other mothers comments & looks? It wouldn't bother me, but its comments about MY CHILD! Again..ugh. Any advice?

    1. That is the best question!!! Cause I've dealt with that quite a few times myself! It does sound like you've raised a son who is confident and proud of who he is, so congrats there!!!! I know what you mean though. When my daughter doesn't brush her hair, or my son wears holey sweats, or my baby wears his Captain America outfit out to a restaurant....my "mama bear" instincts want to shout "NOOOOOO way" but I think as long as we give our kids the tools to deal with it, they will be ok!! I always tell my kids "if someone says something mean, bullys you or criticizes you, its probably because they might have felt that from someone else and so they continue to pass it on instead of learning from it." Then I tell myself "Keep your mouth closed...be the bigger person...be proud that you've raised a kid that is confident in who GOD made them to be" and that helps a lot :)
      Also....Some people (like my husband) can brush off criticism really well. He once said "Why would I care what they think? I come home to a beautiful wife, beautiful kids and a happy home. I am happy, they're the ones with the problem" and that was the biggest eye opener ever!! Good luck. It's tough but we can do it!!


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