Prepping for school

a new school year.

so i just sat down for the millionth time to go over new curriculum,
check out new books, research new ideas etc etc etc.
i really truly am excited for the new year to start!!
but then it hits me, am i really ready for this. again?
every homeschool parent goes through this. i think?
no i'm pretty sure they do. or they are from another planet.
i'd like to say i never doubt myself and i'm always on top of things
and my days run so smooth cause i'm the bomb diggity.
but no, totally not true.
my good days vs. my bad days:
good: morning prayer
bad: forget my bible, its not gonna work today!
good: homemade breakfast
bad: seriously, i have to feed you? again? you ate yesterday!
good: lessons go so smooth & everyone learns.
bad: one kid is collapsing on the floor throwing a tantrum
& everyone to push mommys buttons just right.
good: "you're the best mommy"
bad: "fine then. i'll just cry myself to sleep!"
ok actually that makes me sound bipolar.
i swear i'm not!!
i'm just being really honest. it's not all butterflies and sunshine over here!
somedays it is though and i truly cherish those days.
so when i sat down an hour ago to prep a little bit more,
it dawned on me...the good days are coming, and so are the bad!
it kinda freaked me out a little. cause i have this one child...
let's just say he's a little too much like his mommy ;)
he is my 'spirited child' (so well put by Mary Kurcinka)
she has a book called  Raising Your Spirited Child
check into it, it helped me a lot to see the positives that come from
kids like him who are overachievers and a bit extreme!
ok i got off subject a little...
my point is that while i was starting to fall apart,
i saw my bible and decided to read my daily devotional.
sure enough it tells me this:

the 2 things that stood out to me:
1. philippians 4:13
"i can do all THIS through him who gives me strength"
i love how it says this because it really reminds me that we can do this
2. father God,
thank you for taking my broken life and giving it meaning.
it's so easy to forget in times of chaos that He really gives me meaning.
i LOVE this bible.
if you're looking for a daily devotional, check out Homeschool Mom's Bible.
i've heard theres a bible study that goes along with it? not sure, gonna look into it.
i took a quick minute to snap some pictures of our current school room,
in all its messy glory!
i know i love to look at blogs to see how everyone else decorates and/or
organizes, and/or doesn't organize....
so here is mine!

that's the whole set up.
minus a huge book closet and 2 cupboard areas where we store our "extras"
close-up of my desk area. loads of fun!
our map wall. we use this every day!
our white board area.
this is how i store my teachers books, very super fancy.
i can get you the info on the cardboard box if you'd like...haha.
this is where the kids keep their language, geography
& math books.
i got this handy shelf thingy at ikea.
stores many many extra little booklets we use.
need i say more? i don't think so. each is grouped into bags & labeled.
and last, one of my faves, hanging on the wall...
we don't follow all CM but we do use this to reinforce habits
and we love to do her nature study ideas.
and i guess thats about it for now.
i'm heading out to get my baby from VBS.
i hope not everyone is on this same rollercoaster that i'm on.
but if you are, you're SO not alone!!



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