my bully story

i was bullied LOL.
no but seriously i was!
this is my bully story and don't get it twisted,
i am not pouting, i did not cry.
i am writing this merely to point out,
it STILL happens.
even to adults.
i was at work, closing down the bar
and some guy comes in.
i get him his drink and he says
"oh, tattoos? let me see them"
so i leaned over to show him my forearm.
then he says
"now i need to ask you a question.
why on earth would you do that to
your beautiful body?"
at this point it seems like the usual "why?" question
so i just smiled and said
"i think they are beautiful and its self expression"
thinking i would end the convo there.
no, totally wrong.
he says "but why? why? i just don't understand it.
i mean just look at them."
he escalates pretty quickly now.
he is looking at my arms, shaking his head
and giving me looks of total disgust.
(like on a scale of 1-10, his level of disgust was an 11)
"ugh, i mean why? why do such an awful thing?
and whats up with these tattoo artists doing this
to peoples body. disgusting. they only do it for the money.
they don't care about that persons future"
HA i was kinda like is this really happening?
maybe i'm being punked by this old guy!
no, wrong again.
i maintained my composure though.
i kept smiling and said
"well i guess if it bothers some people, they don't need to look"
he says
"oh ok. well let me ask you another question.
what are you going to do when you are 40 or 50
and you have these all over your body?"
i said
"i guess i'll have them all over my body then"
his reply
"you'll regret it! and do you think you'll even be
hanging around with the same crowd? i doubt it"
now he's acting like i hang out with a bunch of
tattooed hoodlums!
and he's showing typical prejudice...very annoying.
"well i actually don't hang out with people that do have a lot of tattoos,
i actually have more than any of my girlfriends,
and i'm my own person. i don't do this for them"
and then i smiled :D
he says "ok"
then i walked away to finish closing up.
i came back over with not much to say to him,
finished mopping the floor and he says
"wow are you ok, are you sick?"
and he gives me this look like "ya i'm gonna get you"
i said, "no not at all, gonna finish my work, then i'm
going home to have a great night"
then i walked to the back room.
he proceeded to act like a total pig and flirt with one of our waitresses.
when i came back out to leave he walked by me on his way out and
with a smirky grin on his face....
"sorry if i offended you with what i said about your tattoos,
you really have a beautiful body and its ashame your doing that.
oh and i sure hope you feel better, i can tell your sick"
i smiled again "have a great night"
i can't believe this guy.
it was like he came in wanting to ruin someones night.,
but he couldn't get me to his pitiful level, blam. i won!
i was , however, pissed the entire ride home for many reasons.
who does he think he is?
he is actually not the first person to be rude to me
about my tattoos, but by far the worst.
manipulative a-hole.
i told my husband the story, he of course
calmed me down ;)
it looked kinda like this....
hahaha just kidding ;)
then, on my way to bed,i walked past my kids' bedroom.
i could see through the dark that they had built a giant tent
that covered the whole floor area.
and it totally made my night.
that guy was just a miserable, lonely jerk.
i, on the other hand, am not.
i am happy, proud and loved by my family
and every night i get to come home to this!
i really feel sorry for people that are so narrow minded.
if you can't see the beauty in someone else, then don't look.
keep your mouth shut and
don't judge others because they're different.
and if your a MAN that would actually put a woman
down like that, you should be ashamed.
in the beginning i said i was bullied.
which sounds funny cause i'm an adult lol
and i didn't think that would really happen...
but thats what it was!
i thought this crap only happens in
grade school!
there have been so many times i've wanted to crawl in a hole
where no one can judge me for my 'differences'.
i was bullied SO much in grade school.
we moved a lot so i was not only the 'new girl'
but i was pale as hell, had tons of freckles and
had the body of Olive Oyl!
i was shy, never stood up for myself...
nothing like who i am now.
i think this guy was so insecure with himself, he must
have been trying to make himself feel better?
i'm glad i'm the kind of person who could handle this.
but not everyone is!
i keep hearing about all these kids that have been
bullying other kids in the schools nearby.
its disgusting.
young girls are being bullied so bad that they don't want to live.
they don't want to live :(
its such a sad thing to hear about.
unfortunately they probably have parents like this guy!
my daughter was bullied in 2nd grade.
this beautiful princess of mine was bullied
a 4th grade girl was mad cause my daughter was talking
to a boy she liked.
she grabbed my daughter from behind and drug
her backwards across the playground.
both her shoes came off and ripped holes in
the back of her socks.
she was so scared to tell me because the girl said
"if you tell, i'll beat you up"
i only found out because i questioned
the holes in her socks.
i was LIVID to say the least.
i'll leave out a bunch of negative stuff but...
i did want to find that girl and drag her around a bit.
but, i handled it with the principle instead.
it went over well, but thats not the norm.
i had to blog about this because its such an issue.
it shouldn't be, but it is.
as if life isn't hard enough, kids and adults can make it
so much harder.
its our duty as parents to teach our kids how to handle
situations like these.
teach them to stand up for themselves.
and if they just don't have that personality,
teach them to walk away and remind them daily
that they should always be proud of who they are.
in the case of what happened last night,
i chose to be proud of who i am,
bite my tongue, keep my job and smile.
i have this hanging in my homeschool room.

"there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won't feel insecure around you" -nelson mandela
thanks for reading my bully story ;)


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