wow its been a craZy month!!

 my last check in was sept 11.
lets see, since then...
we've been busy with:
(here is my little man, getting his first soccer trophy)
it was a fun little season, i was the assistant coach of his
team. he made some pretty cool little friends out there!!
and so did i. i love to get to hang out with a bunch
of rowdy 4, 5 & 6 year olds.
their little personalities are too cute :)

the season is still going! they are 1st seed in playoffs,
which starts in 2 weeks, can't wait!!
football is a really great sport, especially for these
young boys. it teaches them so much about respect,
team work, humility and being proud of themselves.
my husband has the privilege to help coach the starts defense.
its a lot of work, 3 days a week and games on weekends!
but SO worth every minute of it :) 
of course i have no pictures of work lol
lets face it, nobody sits around taking pictures of us
having a great ol' time at work!
i'm working 20-25 hours a week at night,
my husband is working his usual 40 hours,
(he also tattoos part time)
we are extremely lucky to have the stable jobs we have though.
i am sad for those that are having a harder time than we are
because of this crazy economy.

we are always busy with homeschool stuff.
this month we finished Charlottes Web,
such a cute book to read.
the kids made dioramas for it.
also made our own mini pizzas for lunch,
and andre loved working with his k'nex
construction set.
we are now 3/4 way through The War With Grandpa,
hilarious book!!!
and now comes the holidays!
we're decorating, getting costumes,
and preparing for all the fun.
gotta go, time to make dinner :)


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